Saturday, November 8, 2008

Learn Reiki by Emails:

To learn Reiki by Emails,

First check the Reiki syllabus in the Syllabus post in this blog.

Then choose the levels you wish to learn and mail the following details:








Please note, you cannot learn any level without learning the previous one.
e.g. You cannot go to Reiki 2 without learning Reiki 1,
but if you have already learned Reiki 1,
you may give the name of your teacher and then go to reiki 2.


The fees for this are as follows:

Reiki 1 = 750/- [1000/- after 1st Jan 2009]

Reiki 2 = 1500/- [1750/- after 1st Jan 2009]

Reiki 3 = 2250/- [2500/- after 1st Jan 2009]

Reiki 4 = 4500/- [5000/- after 1st Jan 2009]

Also, you may give the choice to pay the fees.

The simplest available choice is to pay by to the above email id.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Reiki Syllabus:

Reiki1 = ROKYU
Duration=3 to 4 Hours in person or 2 sessions of video training of 30 to 45 minutes after email study of notes in email training
1-History of Reiki,
2-Principles of Reiki,
3- Rules of Reiki,
4-Body positions to heal
Reiki2 = GOKYU
Duration=3 to 4 Hours in person or 2 sessions of video training of 30 to 45 minutes after email study of notes in email training
1-Symbols of Reiki,
2-Uses of symbols of Reiki,
3- Method of Distance Healing,
4-Things that you can heal
5-Chakra meditation
Reiki3 = YONKYU
Duration=3 to 4 Hours in person or 2 sessions of video training of 30 to 45 minutes after email study of notes in email training
1- Master symbols of Reiki,
2- Uses of master symbols of Reiki,
3- Method of using new symbols of Reiki,
4- Meaning of a master, abilities and duties of Reiki master
5-Basic scanning
Reiki4 = YOKKA
Duration=10 days training with 3 hours session per day in personal training given in group or 8 sessions of video training of 30 to 45 minutes after email study of notes in email training
1-Advanced symbols of Reiki,
2-Uses of advanced symbols of Reiki,
3- Method of using new symbols of Reiki,
4- Basic Chiti Reiki,
5- Basic Acu- Reiki,
6- Basic Reiki Dowsing,
7- Basic Meditation,
8- Basic Anatomy,
9- Basic karuna Reiki,
10-Advance scanning
Reiki5 = SANKYU = {Teacher 1} [Teacher of Reiki 1] =
5 lessons of theory of how to teach;
1-History of Reiki,
2-Principles of Reiki,
3- Rules of Reiki,
4-Body positions to heal,  
10 classes of practical training 
To be organized by the teacher under training 
+Learning Attunement of Reiki 1
[5 days of training of 3 hours each + practical training clubbed with the classes that the seeker organizes]{Organizing classes is needed to learn how to make people aware of Reiki}
Reiki6 = NIKYU = {Teacher 2} [Teacher of Reiki 2] =
5 lessons of theory of how to teach
1-Symbols of Reiki,
2-Uses of symbols of Reiki,
3- Method of Distance Healing,
4-Things that you can heal,
5-Chakra meditation
10 classes of practical training 
To be organized by the teacher under training 
+Learning Attunement of Reiki 2
[5 days of training of 3 hours each + practical training clubbed with the classes that the seeker organizes]{Organizing classes is needed to learn how to make people aware of Reiki}
Reiki7 IKKYU = {Teacher 3} [Teacher of Reiki 3] =
5 lessons of theory of how to teach
1-Master symbols of Reiki,
2-Uses of master symbols of Reiki,
3- Method of using new symbols of Reiki,
4- Meaning of a master, Duties of a Reiki master,
5-Basic scanning
10 classes of practical training 
To be organized by the teacher under training 
+Learning Attunement of Reiki 3
[5 days of training of 3 hours each + practical training clubbed with the classes that the seeker organizes]{Organizing classes is needed to learn how to make people aware of Reiki}
Reiki8 YOUKA = {Teacher 4} [Teacher of Reiki 4] =
10 lessons of theory of how to teach
1-Advanced symbols of Reiki,
2-Uses of advanced symbols of Reiki,
3- Method of using new symbols of Reiki,
4- Basic Chiti Reiki,
5-Basic Acu- Reiki,
6- Basic Reiki Dowsing,
7- Basic Meditation,
8- Basic Anatomy,
9- Basic karuna Reiki,
10-Advance scanning]
10 classes of practical training to be organized by the teacher under training +Learning Attunement of Reiki 4
[10 days of training of 3 hours each + practical training clubbed with the classes that the seeker organizes]{Organizing classes is needed to learn how to make people aware of Reiki}
Reiki9 = SHODAN = {Grand Master} [Teacher of Reiki teacher] =
15 lessons of theory of how to teach
1-Responsibilities of a teacher,
2-Right expression of words about Reiki,
3- Claims of Reiki,
4- Real and Fake claims made by people about Reiki,
5-How to avoid unrealistic claims,
6- Clarity of expression,
7- Effective communication,
8- Knowing and handling the problems of a potential teacher,
9- Clearing the mind of a potential teacher,
10-Using the scanning to find out hidden problems
10 classes of practical training to be organized by the teacher under training +Learning Attunement of a Teacher
[15 days of training of 3 hours each + practical training clubbed with the classes that the seeker organizes]{Organizing classes is needed to learn how to make people aware of Reiki}
Reiki10 = NIDAN = {Great Grand Master} [Teacher of Reiki Grand Master] =
21 lessons of theory of how to teach
1-Responsibilities of a Grand master,
2-Need to spread the science of Reiki,
3- Ways to spread the awareness of Reiki,
4- Social service with Reiki,
5- Scanning a person for the eligibility to be a great Grand master,
6- Meditations to enhance the spiritual level,
7- Purity check of self & the grand master under training,
8- Reaching the stillness within,
9- Practicing unconditional love
10-Being Reiki]
10 classes of practical training 
To be organized by the teacher under training 
+ Learning Self-Attunement of a Great Grand Master
[5 days of training of 3 hours each + practical training clubbed with classes that seeker organizes]{Organizing classes is needed to learn how to make people aware of Reiki}
Some not commonly known facts about Reiki Levels:
Generally, people say that they know Reiki, they have heard about Reiki, someone had done Reiki on them or their family member, somebody emits or releases Reiki and makes things happen on request, and so on.
Many people talk about Reiki. They also teach Reiki and insist on lineage declaration. This is because, each lineage follows different ways of teaching, and do not acknowledge the lineage of other teachers.
Also, but no past Reiki teacher has taken pains to put the syllabus of Reiki in a methodical manner.
As a result, people hardly have clear idea about various levels of Reiki.
The only commonly known levels are, 1, 2, 3, teacher, grandmaster.
People talk many different contradictory things about Reiki training.
They also make a number of tall claims about curing some ailments like Cancer in last stage, brain hemorrhage, genetic disorders, paralysis etc. purely with Reiki.
They also talk of performing Reiki operations when the healers have no medical and anatomy background at all.
Such attitude of senior Reiki healers and teachers is totally disorganized.
Such an irresponsibly blind faith generating attitude is responsible for distrust that many senior medical professionals have towards Reiki.
Now the time has come that we must present an organized format of Reiki in front of the masses so that the seekers get a correct picture of what they must expect from their Reiki Teacher and the fake teachers will stop fooling the masses under the name of Reiki.
Many teachers are just not aware of the levels that Dr. Usui had designed in the year 1922 when he first started teaching this method in Japan.
The fact is that Dr. Usui had neither given the Reiki levels, nor the Symbols. He used to give special importance to the Reiki principles and Rules, that are religiously followed even today in the inner Reiki circles of Japan in the name of Gokkai.
But p[resent Reiki teachers just mention the Reiki principles and rules, and ask the seeker to recite the principles once a day, without explaining the actual importance of them and their use in personal life.
They simply give all the importance on the body positions of touch healing while teaching Reiki 1 to a seeker.
Similarly, while teaching how to work on events in Reiki 2, the teachers never explain how to scientifically handle emotional blocks when they are wanting to create an event.
Scanning and diagnosis of a patient is something that is taught by just a handful of teachers while teaching Reiki 3. Generally, Reiki 3 is over with teaching of master symbol and giving attunement for Reiki 3.
Of course, there ARE 2 NEW levels that are newly added to these traditional levels.
They were added in 1997 after 2 symbols like EAN and KARYO were directly given by Dr. Usui in astral communication where he had also taught many other healing techniques like Reiki Dowsing, Chiti Reiki, Reiki Psychotherapy and meditations to strengthen the aura of the seeker.
These new techniques are taught in this new level, i.e. level 4. This level is known as yokka.
Correspondingly, there is a teachers’ level for this level, known as level 8. This level is known as youka.