Friday, October 23, 2015

Reiki fee structure and details

Reiki fee structure and details...

Reiki 1 =
Eligibility = Pure heart
Touch healing & attitude healing
3 to 4 hours = 5000 =Sion /Borivali

Reiki 2 =
Eligibility = Reiki 1
Distance healing & thought healing
3 to 4 hours = 10000 =Sion/Borivali

Reiki 3 =
Eligibility = Reiki 2
Distance diagnosis & power healing
3 to 4 hours = 15000 =Sion/Borivali

Reiki 4 =
Eligibility = Reiki 3 (with us)
Advance Diagnosis, Anatomy &
Advance healing techniques
20 to 25 hours = 30000 =Sion/Borivali

Please note,
Many teach Reiki,
Many claim to teach Reiki 1, 2, 3
At lower fees, giving more time.
But no teachers other than
Intentional Healing Foundation
Are qualified to teach Reiki 4.

Also, since,

There are teachers
Who teach at much lower fees.

But remember,
In learning spiritual sciences,
Experience of teacher,
Quality of teaching matters.

Reiki Class registrations are on.

Batches in other cities with fully paid prior registration for batch of 10 tp 20.

So interested people can organise a batch in your city and our teachers will visit your city to teach, without any extra charges, for a group of 10 or more of any one level.

Do recommend your friends
9820044254, 9870044254, 9167178372

Friday, October 9, 2015

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Traditions of Reiki known all over globe

Traditions of Reiki known till date:  

Today many branches of Reiki are seen to exist, though there are two major traditions, respectively Traditional Japanese Reiki and Western Reiki.

Let us see these traditions in some details:

Traditions in Reiki in Japan

 Traditional Japanese Reiki The term Traditional Japanese Reiki is used to describe the specific system that formed from Usui's original teachings and teachings that did not leave Japan.  During the 1990s, Western teachers travelled to Japan in order to find this particular tradition of Reiki, though found nothing.  They therefore started to establish Reiki schools, and started to teach Reiki levels 1 and 2 to the Japanese.  Around 1993, a German Reiki Master, Frank Arjava Petter, also started to teach to the Master/Teacher level, and as a result, the Japanese started teaching their knowledge of Traditional Reiki.  Since then, several traditions of Traditional Japanese Reiki have been established, the main traditions of which are listed below.

Usui Reiki Ryōhō Gakkai (臼井靈氣療法學會 in Traditional Chinese Characters, meaning "Usui Reiki Healing Method Learning Society") is the name of the society of Reiki masters founded by Mikao Usui.  Usui-Sensei, whose popular name is Mikao and whose pen name is Gyohan, came from Taniai-village, Yamagata- district, Cifu Prefecture, and had forefathers named Tsunetane Chiba who had played an active part as a military commander between the end of Heian Period and the beginning of Kamakura Period (11801230). His father's real name is Taneuji and his popular name is Uzaemon. His mother came and got married from the family named Kawai.  His style is assumed to have survived to the present day (assumed as no-one knows exactly how the Gakkai practises nowadays), with Ushida being the one who, upon death, substituted the presidency of the association.  This society remained secret for many years and at present, the shihan (master), Masaki Kondoh, is the president of the Gakkai.  Though many of their teachings still remain secret, little by little, members of this association — such as Master Hiroshi Doi — have been sharing their knowledge with the rest of the world. In spite of this, it continues to be a hermetic society, nearly impossible to access. The power to heal is transmitted here by the method known as Reiju: Spiritual Blessing. In Japan, reiju is the name given to the method a teacher uses in order to communicate with individual students on an energetic level. In the process of moving from Japan to the West, reiju changed a number of its aspects including its name. In the West its altered form is usually known as an attunement, initiation or transformation.

Reidō Reiki Gakkai (靈道靈氣學會, meaning "Spiritual Occurrence and Spiritual Energy Society") is the name given to the system that derives from the masters of the Ryōhō Gakkai, and is led by Fuminori Aoki, who added to the teaching of the Gakkai, though differences in teaching are minimal.  In this system, the Koriki (meaning "the force of happiness") symbol that inspired Fuminori Aoki has been adopted.
The above is the Koriki symbol used in this system. It is a very good symbol for people in depression or stress. We can hang this on wall for peace & happiness. Reiki Healing system uses symbols to connect with specific aspects of Reiki energy, in fact to symbolize means representing some aspect in a particular way. The symbols transmitted by Usui remember his spiritual teachings. These symbols have a written or drawn and kotodama, the formula recited. They are a guide and support on the path of enlightenment that Usui pretended to teach.  The Reiki symbols are sacred, we can show and share them, but we must show respect and not use their kotodama if we are not going to activate them.

Kōmyō Reiki Kai (光明レイキ會, meaning "Enlightened Spiritual Energy Meeting (Association)") is the name given to the system that takes the name of a school of Japanese Traditional Reiki, and was established by Hyakuten Inamoto (稲本 百天), a Reiki teacher with Western Reiki background.  It differs from other systems in that it does not originate with the Gakkai, but instead comes from the Hayashi line, through Chiyoko Yamaguchi (山口 千代子) that remained in Japan. It is based on the teachings of Dr. Chuujiro Hayashi as learned by his student Mrs. Chiyoku Yamaguchi in 1938 to 1940 (She passed away August 20, 2003 at the age of 83).  But it also adds in concepts from Western Reiki and from Gendai Reiki Ho.
Komyo = Great light or enlightenment Reiki = Energy of the Universe Kai = Association or group   Komyo Reiki Kai, the system Hyakuten has created, presents Reiki as it was understood and commonly practiced in the 1930’s in Japan.  This system places emphasis on spiritual unfoldment through the practice of Reiki Ryoho, aiming for “satori” or enlightenment.   Komyo Reiki is a "keep-it-simple" Reiki system and practice. The practice motto is: "Put your hands, Surrender, and Smile"

Jikiden Reiki (直傳靈氣, meaning "The Direct Teaching of Spiritual Energy") is the name given to the original system that was taught by Dr. Hayashi, and was founded by Mrs. Yamaguchi and her son, Tadao Yamaguchi (山口 忠夫). Jikiden Reiki is Usui Reiki, as this simple hand-healing method started with Mikao Usui in Japan in 1922. ‘Jikiden’ means directly transmitted, and in the Japanese language and culture, is a term that refers to a traditional art form, passed on carefully from teacher to student without changes. The Japanese Reiki hand positions presented in the Usui Reiki Ryōhō Hikkei (臼井靈氣療法必携, Usui Reiki Treatment Handbook) as used and compiled by Usui are considerably more extensive than hand positions used in Western Reiki. Mrs. Yamaguchi referred to Hayashi-Sensei's system as "Hayashi Shiki Reiki Ryoho" (Hayashi Style Reiki Healing Method), though the certificate she received is said to have had the name Hayashi Reiki Ryoho Kenkyu-kai (Research Center) on it.  While some Japanese Reiki lineages focus primarily on spiritual development, in Jikiden-Reiki the focus is strongly on healing, however, unlike western-style Reiki, apparently Jikiden does not teach formal hand positions. Mrs. Yamaguchi maintained that she was not taught any formal hand positions. The symbols (shirushi), as used in Jikiden, are slightly different to the symbols as taught by Takata-sensei.  They also have different names - which are not used as mantras (jumon). The way in which the symbols are used and understood is somewhat different to that of Usui Shiki Ryoho. For example, what we refer to as the 'distance symbol', Jikiden classes not as a symbol, but as a jumon.

Traditions in Western Reiki  

 Western Reiki (西洋レイキ, Seiyō reiki) is a system that can be accredited to Hawayo Takata. The principal difference between the traditions is the use of set hand patterns for internal treatments instead of Reiji-hō, the intuitive skill of "knowing where to place the hands."  This style of Reiki places more emphasis on the healing of ailments, and ascension to higher levels of attunement is more formalised. After being trained by Hayashi, Hawayo Takata went back to Hawaii, taking Reiki with her. On setting up Reiki clinics, she spread it to rest of Western world.  As a result of the Second World War, Takata decided to modify the Traditional Japanese Reiki system in order to make it more understandable and credible to the mentality of the West.

Usui Shiki Ryoho (臼井式療法 'Usui Style Healing'): Shiki means 'style, ceremony, rite, method, system, form'; and Ryoho means, 'healing method, therapy, remedy, cure' - The method taught by the Reiki Alliance and some Independent Reiki Masters.  Usui Shiki Ryoho is the name that Usui sensei gave to his practice (it roughly translates as "Usui system of natural healing") and is close to the original eastern teachings According to James Deacon, We can perhaps say that the REAL Original Usui Shiki Ryoho involved: No Certificates No Levels of training No “Treatment Guidelines” No Reiki Principles No Hatsurei ho No Joshin Kokyu ho No Byosen Reikan ho No Reiji ho No Nentatsu ho No Hand Positions No Reiju No Kotodama No Symbols No Jumon  Etc...
Rather, it simply involved an emaciated, disheveled, hungry man, sitting on the ground on the slope of a mountain his body perhaps rocking slightly to and fro his hands - radiant with the newly awakened gift of 'Reiki' - cupped instinctively around an injured toe his mind owning and breathing through the pain until the blood stopped flowing and the wound, almost miraculously, began to heal... It is not known where the name Usui Shiki Ryoho originated. Mrs. Takata did use the name Usui Shiki Ryoho on the certificates she issued to her students.

Usui Reiki Shiki Ryōhō (臼井靈氣式療法, commonly translated as meaning "Usui's Spiritual Energy Style of Therapy", but a more literal translation is "Usui's Spiritual Energy Style of Medical Treatment" (Ryōhō (療法) meaning medical treatment)) is the name given to the Western system of Reiki, and is a system that has tried to stay near enough the same as the original practises of Hawayo Takata.  It is taught today by, for instance, the Reiki Alliance, led by Phyllis Lei Furumoto, Takata's granddaughter.  In this system, as with most Western systems of Reiki, there are three levels, respectively called the First Degree, Second Degree, & Master / Teacher Degree, using Takata's version of four original symbols passed to her by Hayashi.  Usui Reiki Shiki Ryōhō is also the norm requested qualification (along with Reiki lineage) when seeking insurance to practice Reiki on the general public in the United Kingdom.

Usui/Tibetan Reiki is the name given to the system that was developed by Arthur Robertson and later popularized by William Lee Rand and Diane Stein.  This system is derived from Usui Reiki as taught by Takata and includes techniques from the Usui Reiki Ryōhō Gakkai, such as Byōsen-hō (病専法, Scanning Method), Gyōshi-hō (凝視法, Healing Eyes Method), and Kenyoku-hō (件抑制法, Dry Bathing Method).  There have been a few additions to this system in comparison with Usui Shiki Ryōhō by Rand, such as a modified attunement method that incorporates the Violet Breath, the use of the Tibetan Master and kundalini fire symbols along with the four traditional Usui symbols, the hui yin position (located in the perineum), and also the microcosmic orbit.  Along with introducing the above, Usui/Tibetan Reiki can sometimes incorporate psychic surgery. Unlike Usui Reiki Shiki Ryōhō, it has four levels, commonly called First Degree, Second Degree, Advanced Reiki Training (commonly 3A or ART), and Master/Teacher (commonly 3B).

Gendai Reiki Hō (現代靈氣法, meaning "Modern Spiritual Energy Method") is a system that incorporates elements of both Japanese and Western Reiki, and was established by Hiroshi Doi. Doi was first trained in Western Reiki by Mieko Mitsui, a Master of the "Radiance Technique." In 1993, he was granted membership to Usui Reiki Ryōhō Gakkai. Gendai means modern, Reiki is the healing energy & ho means method. This is relatively a new method that is just a decade or so old. It tries to simplify the teachings of Reiki as much as possible. It has the following motto:
Ayashiku-nai   = Nothing sinister Okashiku-nai   =  Nothing strange Muzukashiku-nai  =  Nothing difficult

Healing Teate Kagakuteki (Healing Teate Kagakuteki) means scientific presentation of Usui shiki ryoho Touch healing method. This system presents the original teachings of Sensai Dr. Mikao Usui in the most original form while interpreting everything in the most scientific manner so that every logically thinking person understands them without having to believe in it. Over a period of time, there are many distortions in the original teachings of Dr. Usui. Also, many blind faiths and ideas that limit the actual spirit of Reiki are added to this wonderful system over past 90 years of the journey of Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki. Reiki therefore is known in different ways and school names. It was the astral blessings and teachings of Dr. Usui that has lead the foundation of this school of Reiki. Everything stated here has come directly from Dr. Usui through astral communication to various Reiki grandmasters and teachers. So again like his system that was known as Ronin, or leaderless method, even this system is leaderless as it has come from teachings of Sensai Usui received by many different sources at different times. Probably this is the only school of Reiki that gives training into Basic anatomy and basic counseling techniques along with regular Reiju and Training into Touch & distance healing methods, and explains all the 5 pillars of Reiki in absolute details. Here no blind faith or assumption is entertained. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

REIKI 4 module for 12 week certificate workshop

Reiki 4 module:

Eligibility: Reiki 3 healer
Duration: 12 weeks - Mon to Fri - 1 hr each day

Week 1:

  1. History of Reiki 4
  2. Advanced symbols of Reiki 4
  3. Chiti Reiki
  4. Karuna Reiki
  5. Healing with new symbols

Week 2:

  1. Reiki Dowsing
  2. Choosing dowsing tool
  3. Asking Questions for Dowsing
  4. Working on attitude towards results
  5. Using angels in healing

Week 3:

  1. Advance diagnosis
  2. Talking to patient for getting facts
  3. Keeping daily records
  4. Actual Diagnosis of patients
  5. Actual healing of patients
Record the diagnosis of 10 patients, and their healing progress for 3 weeks and submit it by the end of 6th week.

Week 4:

  1. Concept of Acu-Reiki
  2. Energy channels within our body
  3. Detecting healing points
  4. Benefits of Acu-Reiki
  5. Healing with Acu-Reiki
Week 5:

  1. Need to learn Anatomy
  2. 11 Systems in Body
  3. Structure & Function of systems
  4. Endocrine glands & their functions
  5. Under-activation & over-activation of glands

Week 6:

  1. Skeletal system
  2. Muscular system
  3. Sense organs and their structure
  4. Lymphatic system & its effects
  5. Reading the medical reports

Each participant is to heal 20 people with Acu-Reiki, record the healing process as well as the remarks of patients in voice recording or video recording, submit the video as project at the end of 9th week

Week 7:

  1. Reiki Psycho therapy
  2. Mind body relationship
  3. Law of attraction
  4. Fear and its power of attraction
  5. Trust and its power of attraction

Week 8:

  1. Detecting thoughts that make us sick
  2. Working on fear and confusion
  3. Heal thoughts that cause ailments
  4. Working on negative thoughts
  5. Create positive thoughts to heal

week 9:

  1. Finding out the thought root of ailment
  2. detecting events that have caused ailment
  3. Scanning thoughts in a patient
  4. Making a patient aware of his sick thoughts
  5. Releasing the sick thoughts to heal patient

Report of diagnosis and healing of 20 patients with the help of Reiki psychotherapy, submit your report in written form of in the form of video or audio recording + video of testimonials and remarks of 20 patients. Submit the project on Wednesday of 12th week.

Week 10:

  1. Quick healing methods
  2. Rising meditation
  3. Rooting medication
  4. Unification of Chakras
  5. Centering and witnessing

Week 11:

  1. Detecting an emergency
  2. Detecting the signals of dowsing
  3. Taking help of Reiki Family
  4. Supporting and being supportable
  5. Combating improper emotions

Week 12:

  1. Healing emotions by counseling
  2. Predicting ailments that may appear
  3. Scanning thoughts that caused ailment
  4. Professional ethics for a healer
  5. Spiritual ethics for a healer

Saturday of week 12
Each student gets at least 2 patients he has healed as guests. This 2 hour session contains,

Sharing of Reiki 4 students and of their guests and patients. Convocation of students with certificate and pin

We propose to start this certificate course at Parel and Borivli in daily evening classes from 7pm to 8pm on mondays to fridays.

The fees for this 3 month certificate course will be 45,000/- INR that can be paid by cheques of 3 monthly installments of 15,000/-INR.

Those Reiki masters, who are interested in joining this 12 weeks certificate course of Reiki 4 may post intent, venue choice and contact details, to, or leave comment here on this blog, so that when dates are finalized, we shall get back to you.

Thursday, August 27, 2015


We, the team of Multiversity of Success Reiki Teachers, conduct short duration week-end workshops teaching absolutely scientific version of Reiki that is free from blind faiths and unproved assumptions. 
We also indicate how to find out the actual ailment and psychosomatic ailment.
We show how to heal the real ailments and do appropriate counselling to handle the ailments with psychosomatic origin.
Now, we have thought of starting intensive training workshops of Reiki 1-2-3.
So, Multiversity of Success is shortly starting A 12 weeks certificate course of Reiki 1-2-3 where detailed practice of each level of Reiki as well as a perfect research into Reiki can be made available to each seeker. This can create a perfect Reiki healing masters who can spread the message of scientific Reiki healing.
The proposed syllabus for this workshop is as follows:
Reiki 1-2-3 module for 12 week program:
12 weeks - Monday to Friday - 1 hour each day

Reiki 1:

Week 1:
1.       History of Reiki
2.       Principles of Reiki
3.       Rules of Reiki
4.       Chakras
5.       Healing positions and attunement

Week 2:
1.       Gratitude meditation
2.       Grounding meditation
3.       Golden ball meditation
4.       Nadabrahma meditation
5.       Chakra balancing for daily healing

Week 3:
1.      Healing oneself
2.      Healing others
3.      Group healing
4.      Daily healing
5.      Healing of patients

Reiki 2:

Week 4:
1.      Why distance healing
2.      Benefits of distance healing
3.      Symbols + mantras for distance healing
4.      Methods of healing
5.      Practical healing & attunement

Week 5:
1.       Detecting blocks in wishes
2.       Writing intention rightly
3.       Chakra balancing meditation
4.       Creating future meditation
5.       Working on negative thoughts

Week 6:
1.       Healing oneself from distance
2.       Healing others from distance
3.       Group healing from distance
4.       Daily self healing from distance
5.       Healing of patients from distance

Heal 20 people, record their remarks, submit the video as project at the end of week 9

Reiki 3:

Week 7:
1.       Who is a master
2.       Abilities of a master
3.       Restrictions on a master
4.       Master symbols
5.       Healing methods & attunement

Week 8:
1.       Scanning in person
2.       Scanning from distance
3.       Healing after scanning
4.       Hatsure ho meditation
5.       Gasso meditation

Week 9:
1.       Healing as a master
2.       Scanning events
3.       Scanning thoughts
4.       Predicting events
5.       Actual healing of patients as master

Work on a healing process that is not included in syllabus, use it on 10 people, submit your report on it + video of remarks of people. 

Reiki Practical:

Here in every session, a student gets 1 patient

Week 10:
1.       Touch healing v/s distance healing
2.       Scanning results of healing
3.       Scanning energies in premises
4.       Predicting distance healing of places
5.       Counseling of a master

Week 11:
1.       Healing in an emergency
2.       Seeking support when needed
3.       Knowing importance of Reiki Family
4.       Supporting and being supportable
5.       Detecting improper emotions

Week 12:
1.       Healing emotions to heal
2.       Scanning events that caused ailment
3.       Scanning thoughts that caused ailment
4.       Predicting healing graph from response
5.       Actual healing of 2 new patients

Saturday of week 12

Sharing of Reiki students + their patients & convocation of students with certificate & pin

We propose to start this certificate course at Parel and Borivli in daily evening classes from 7pm to 8pm on mondays to fridays.

The fees for this 3 month certificate course will be 36,000/- INR that can be paid by cheques of 3 monthly installments of 12,000/-INR.

Those who are interested in joining this 12 weeks certificate course of Reiki 1-2-3 may post intent, venue choice & contact details, to, or leave comment here on this blog, so that when dates are finalized, we shall get back to you.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Dear Reiki Lovers,

On 15th August 2015, we have the 150th birth Anniversary of Dr. Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki.

I wish that we all celebrate this in a big way.

Do suggest the way in which you can consider this celebration

Share your suggestions in comments and we all can make this celebration a grand one!